十一月五日周六下午,康乐之家将在Tansley Wood Community Room 3举办才艺展示。
才艺展示体现在各个方面,音乐,美术,手工,烹饪,杂技等均可。 如果有烹饪爱好者想和大家分享所烹饪的美食,
当日,我们将邀请安省长者社区基金协会负责人来参加我们的活动。 康乐之家连续两年获得安省长者社区基金资助,
2016 RCI Seniors Talent Show will be hosted at Tansley Wood Community Room 3 on November 5th 14:00 – 17:00.
All of the talents are welcome, music, art, craft, cooking, and even acrobat! Please register with your group leader with your name and a short summary about what you are going to show. For cooking, please feel free to bring your cooked food to the event for sharing with everyone. And if you are interested in teaching other people how to cook it, please also let your group leader know. We will setup another time specifically for cooking!
We also will invite Ontario Seniors Community Grant representatives come to our talent show. RCI seniors group has been awarded the OSCG two years in a row. We want to appropriate OSCG for their great support to RCI seniors group.