2016 Briefing-October 26

Hongye Culture and Recreation House Monthly Report

RCI Seniors Newsletter

红叶文化现在开始每月给大家提供活动简报,大家可以在红叶文化网站上订阅。因为活动计划经常变动,我们尽量每周给大家更新,请大家关注简报通知。RCI starts to publish monthly newsletter. The subscription can be done from our website.

Notification of recent events

十月二十九日,周六 2:00 – 6:00, Tansley Wood Community Room 3, 邀请荷顿警员来做安全常识讲座,给大家发个人安全信息卡,万圣节刻南瓜,及舞蹈队活动。

十一月五日,周六 2:00 – 5:00Tansley Wood Community Center Room 2 + 3 , 康乐之家才艺表演及展示,卡拉OK, 抽奖活动,及庆祝第四季度生日。

十一月十九日周六 2:00- 5:00, Burlington Seniors Center 健康厨房系列之三 – 西式晚餐, 报名随后通知
– Roast Tenderloin with stuffing
– Baked chicken legs and carrots
– Mesh potato with fresh salad

十二月三日, 周六 2:00- 5:00 Burlington Seniors Center 兴趣小组活动

十二月十七日, 周六 2:00- 5:00 Burlington Seniors Center, 庆祝中国春节活动康乐之家节目彩排。

十二月三十一日, 周六, 2:00- 5:00 Burlington Seniors Center 庆祝新年午餐聚餐

一月十四日, 周六, 2:00 – 5:00 Burlington Seniors Center 庆祝中国春节节目最后一次彩排。

一月二十八日, 周六, 2:00- 5:00 Burlington Seniors Center 庆祝中国春节并颁发康乐之家优秀义工奖。





From now on, I hope you can take the initiative to participate in various activities and volunteer services, and pay attention to everyone around you who are actively serving you. Volunteers who are involved in event planning, program hosting, photo reporting, leading everyone to practice singing and dancing, or organizing contact group members, caring about helping others, and logistical services can be selected.


If you have any questions, please call 905-516-9016


康乐之家健康美味厨房系列之二 - 松糕制作

Heads of groups and interest groups

The group is determined by the geographical location of residence, and the members of the Leisure Home can contact the group leader to inquire about related matters or share information.

一组: 刘恒建 (289-812-0060)
Two groups: 田风舞 (905-637-8901),高福云 (289-635-1768)
Three groups: 李玲顺 (905-332-9273),甄兆山 (905-581-3271)
Four groups: Huang Yaling (289-689-2568), Zhang Damao (289-309-1519)
Five groups: Huang Xianghua (905-634-0287), Shao Yanling (905-296-5099)
六组: 詹淑芳 (289-812-0048),张文耀 (416-848-4891)

合唱团: 田凤舞, 刑路平, 宋如珠, 王钦仁
舞蹈队: 韩燕清,高福云,刘恒健
舞蹈队老师: 曹虹