2016 Briefing-October 3rd


RCI Seniors Newsletter

红叶文化现在开始每月给大家提供活动简报,大家可以在红叶文化网站上订阅。RCI starts to publish monthly newsletter from June, 2016. The subscription can be done from our website.

Notification of recent events

十月六日, 周四 9:30 – 12:00 Haber Community Center Room 2. 计算机和平板疑问解答,椅子健身操

十月十五日,周六 2:00 – 4:30 Glad Tidings Church, 1401 Guelph Line, Burlington, ON L7P 4P5 健康美味厨房系列之二 – 西点制作及健身、娱乐活动

十月二十九日,周六 2:00 – 5:00, Tansley Wood Community Room 3, 邀请荷顿警员来做安全常识讲座,同时给大家发个人安全信息卡。

十一月五日,周六 2:00 – 5:00Tansley Wood Community Center Room 1 + 2 , 康乐之家才艺展示暨感谢安省长者活动资助基金。

十一月十九日周六 2:00- 5:00, Burlington Seniors Center 健康厨房系列之三 – 西式晚餐, 报名随后通知
– Roast Tenderloin with stuffing
– Baked chicken legs and carrots
– Mesh potato with fresh salad


十二月三十一日, 周六, Burlington Seniors Center 庆祝新年午餐聚餐





From now on, I hope you can take the initiative to participate in various activities and volunteer services, and pay attention to everyone around you who are actively serving you. Volunteers who are involved in event planning, program hosting, photo reporting, leading everyone to practice singing and dancing, or organizing contact group members, caring about helping others, and logistical services can be selected.


If you have any questions, please call 905-516-9016





On this day, the autumn is high, the sky is clear, the weather is good, and the mood is good. The Royal Botanic Garden is beautiful and elegant, with pleasant scenery. The elders have a great increase in their travels. First look at the main garden. The roses in autumn are very charming and lovely; the water lilies, "the lotus in the sun is differently red", float on the water with grace and grace; tropical cactus plants bloom in the evening. The beautiful flowers are amazing and amazing. Everyone rushed to choose the scene to take pictures, leaving the most beautiful shadow. Looking around, the colorful, lush, and colorful autumn scenery of the earth can't help but sing praises and admire it! Walking along the path, the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus wafted, and everyone became more energetic. Look at the newly renovated stone park: mountains, rocks, water, bridges, pavilions, and trees, all of which are scattered high and low. Strange flowers and weeds are dotted among them, allowing visitors to stop, and filmmakers are also coming, adding to the excitement.

联欢活动在丁香园草地上进行。我们怀着领略良辰美景的激动,在绿树掩映中,围拢桌前共进午餐。新老朋友们分享了康乐之家提供的香甜月饼,笑声不断,幸福满满。乐曲响起来,“红叶文化协会 康乐之家”的横幅高高挂起,以“过中秋、思故乡、叙友情”为主题的游园联欢会开始啦!主持人田老师神采奕奕,她用“碧水、清风、中秋月,乡音、乡情、寄乡思。天涯共享在此时,日久他乡是故乡。”四句简短的话开场。节目表演有,王钦仁的男声独唱《花儿为什么这样红》,李爱珠、张蕾的母女合唱《吐鲁番的葡萄熟了》,恰到好处地点明了时令特点,烘托了节日气氛。孙敏松以富有磁性的声音朗诵了东坡先生的望月怀人之作《水调歌头》,田凤舞慷慨激昂地朗诵了《忆秦娥》娄山关和《蝶恋花》答李淑一,缅怀毛主席逝世四十周年。接着高福云女士即兴演唱了评弹《蝶恋花》,她的演唱如诉如泣,饱含深情。沈戈和马小阗的夫妻对唱《相逢是首歌》以优美的诗句歌颂情缘、歌颂友谊,令人动情、动容。最后,红叶合唱团演唱了《茉莉花》、《月之故乡》和《老年朋友来相会》不同风格的三首歌,有力地突出了联欢会的主题,博得阵阵掌声。


最后,是击鼓活动。此时此刻老人们个个兴奋不已,手持不同的打击乐器,竞相参与,跃跃欲试,赛过天真的顽童。在专业鼓师John Sadoski的指导下,大鼓、小鼓、排鼓、手鼓敲起来,金属的、木制的、珠子的以及五颜六色的小配器紧跟上,打击出千变万化的鼓点节奏,引得长者们开怀大笑。一个小时过去了,大家玩得热火朝天,将这次活动推向高潮。




范玉来 Fengwu Tian


Heads of groups and interest groups

The group is determined by the geographical location of residence, and the members of the Leisure Home can contact the group leader to inquire about related matters or share information.

One group: 
刘恒建 (289-812-0060)
Two groups: 田风舞 (905-637-8901),高福云 (289-635-1768)
Three groups: 李玲顺 (905-332-9273),甄兆山 (905-581-3271)
Four groups: Huang Yaling (289-689-2568), Zhang Damao (289-309-1519)
Five groups: Huang Xianghua (905-634-0287), Shao Yanling (905-296-5099)
六组: 詹淑芳 (289-812-0048),张文耀 (416-848-4891)

合唱团: 田凤舞, 刑路平, 宋如珠, 王钦仁
舞蹈队: 韩燕清,高福云,刘恒健