Outstanding Volunteers of RCI Seniors 2020

RCI is a non-profit organization registered in October 2013. RCI Senior Group is a spiritual home for the Chinese elders in Burlington to make friends and have a better social life. After nomination and voting by the seniors, this year we selected 11 outstanding volunteers for 2020. Among them, the top two, Song Ruzhu and Xing Luping, were recommended to the MP Karina Gould 2020 Volunteer Appreciation Award.


“During this past year staying connected has been more important than ever. Today, as part of National Volunteer Week, I want to highlight Ruzhu and Luping from Redleaf Cultural Integration. Thank you to Ruzhu and Luping for their commitment to ensuring seniors in the Chinese-Canadian community were able to continue accessing programming and support during the pandemic.” 

Hon. Karina Gould

Outstanding Volunteer Award

詹淑芳: 有爱心,积极协助和参与各项活动,为老年朋友传授各种美食技巧。有干劲儿,团结人。她的烹饪课讲课和示范都很棒!

任树钧: 热心公益服务。

邓家明: 长期热心做义工,关爱别人。积极参加康乐之家各种活动,接受采访和写稿报道好人好事。经常在网上发信息给大家,丰富活跃网络生活。长期服务于大家,任劳任怨。

Huang Yaling: 关心康乐之家的活动.

Gao Fuyun: 热心于团体活动。

沈志成: 在5250当义工,给大家分发食品;因为英语比较好,经常给大家翻译英语的通知,以便大家及时知道信息;他还经常帮助公寓里的老人,如买菜等。用自己的优势“英语好”服务于大家。

Tinghui Liu: 热心公益活动,主动提出为大家服务。

雷建宝: 实在,办事認真,在康乐之家努力的积极为大家办实事儿。

韩燕清: 积极组织广场舞活动